Computational Genomics Symposium 2025

Sant Feliu de Guixols, 28th-29th April 2025

Registration form


Affiliation (PI's family name: e.g.. Smith's lab)

Will you be willing to present:

We are planning to have a hands-on session where different groups will present a tool developed in their lab and will teach it to a small group of people. For the time being, we are looking for volunteers to present a tool developed or implemented in their lab. Are you willing to present a tool? If so, which tool are you introducing?

Do you need an invoice? Please, complete your billing details:
  • Please provide your roommate's name.
  • Please provide your roommate's name.

21% VAT included

Payment will be made in Euros (€). We accept:


Registration will be confirmed by e-mail following receipt of the payment


Participation FEE:

Total Amount:
