5th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Iberian Chapter

3rd - 4th July 2025 · Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona

Registration form

Do you need an invoice? Please, complete your billing details:

The registration fee covers attendance to all sessions, lunches and coffee/tea breaks during the conference and conference materials.

DINNER: 30,00€ + 21 % IVA
WORKSHOP: MRI Basics (July 2nd, 2025)

Free registration fee. Places are limited.

Please be aware that, although we would like to accommodate all requests, participation in the workshop will be determined based on the responses received, and we are unable to guarantee a place for everyone.

Are you interested in attending this workshop?

    What is your motivation for attending the workshop?

By attending this event, you agree to be photographed and/or filmed and give permission to use your image in promotional and/or marketing materials.

Payment will be made in Euros (€). We accept:


Registration will be confirmed by e-mail following receipt of the payment


Participation FEE:

Total Amount:
